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Off Topic The Sleep Log

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Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
325 Soul Tokens
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The Sleep Log


Log here when you go to sleep and how your day went.


Time: 00:00
Mood: Bad/Okay/Good/Etc
Sleepiness: Exhausted/Tired/Awake/Hyper/Etc
My day was: ...
Best thing that happened today: ...


And have a good night!

Posted : March 6, 2022 6:40 pm
Posts: 391
[Primary][1st Division] Soutaichou - Man-Skinned Animal ---------> [Secondary][1. Jagdarmee] Soldat IX Game Master VIP Member
4737 Soul Tokens

Time: 20:15

Mood: Melancholy

Sleepiness: Tired

My day was: Unproductive - I got munched on by zombies and can't mentally switch off enough to wind down and write anything big-brain. Even trying to watch anything, I have the attention span of a goldfish.  

Best thing that happened today: I ate a giant donut. I am convinced I am at least 30% donut now. Send help.

Posted : March 6, 2022 8:17 pm
Posts: 475
Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
325 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

Time: 04:39

Mood: Autarky

Sleepiness: A bit tired

My day was: Quiet, did solitary gaming and book keeping

Best thing that happened today: I designed a custom invoice, it actually works and adds up amounts.

Posted : March 7, 2022 3:41 am
Posts: 391
[Primary][1st Division] Soutaichou - Man-Skinned Animal ---------> [Secondary][1. Jagdarmee] Soldat IX Game Master VIP Member
4737 Soul Tokens

Time: 23:53

Mood: Lonely

Sleepiness: Tired

My day was: Extremely busy - work never seems to stop and I hardly have time to gather my thoughts. I'm thinking of taking some time away from my job, even if it's just for a few days tacked onto the start/end of the weekend to regain my sanity, but there's no man in existence that needs a holiday more than the man who's just returned from one so am hesitant as I don't have my heart set on anything fun for those theoretical days. My medication stunts my attention and decision-making, so everything seems dull and colourless. Perhaps I should buy a few gory books to read by candlelight, on a night where it's due to storm - I have a feeling it would realign my brain.

Best thing that happened today: Found out this month is bonus month - on top of my on call fee, one off bonus from my company, overtime and additional payment for out of hours project work, the tax man will have a field day with my next payslip. Still, should be a nice sum at the end of it...

Posted : March 7, 2022 11:57 pm
Posts: 475
Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
325 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

Time: 03:13

Mood: Bored? Idk

Sleepiness: A bit tired

My day was: Monotonous. Apart from a few yt vids all I did was work, work, work.

Best thing that happened today: Finished an important part of my professional website as a content writer.

Posted : March 9, 2022 2:14 am
Posts: 475
Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
325 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

Time: 03:33

Mood: pretty good

Sleepiness: A bit tired

My day was: Normal, a lot of work but got some RP'ing finally.

Best thing that happened today: got paid for a gig that is actually substantially above minimum wage. Here's hoping this keeps on going like this.

Posted : March 10, 2022 2:35 am
Posts: 391
[Primary][1st Division] Soutaichou - Man-Skinned Animal ---------> [Secondary][1. Jagdarmee] Soldat IX Game Master VIP Member
4737 Soul Tokens

Time: 02:42

Mood: Contented

Sleepiness: Drowsy

My day was: Extremely busy, again. Hoping it'll calm down soon, but after a company-wide rebrand after our Japanese HQ bought another company, it's unlikely. Played some Project Zomboid and got infected after a week by a single scratch - go figure. RIP random survivor character, you will be missed.

Best thing that happened today: Finally had an order confirmation that the PS5 I bought for my partner has been shipped - the fact that it's still so difficult to get one for retail price after almost 2 years is despicable. 

Posted : March 10, 2022 2:45 am
Posts: 391
[Primary][1st Division] Soutaichou - Man-Skinned Animal ---------> [Secondary][1. Jagdarmee] Soldat IX Game Master VIP Member
4737 Soul Tokens

Time: 22:43

Mood: Frustrated

Sleepiness: Awake

My day was: Ridiculous. Medication kept me up until 5am, and not 2hrs later I get a call for a P1 issue, 'caused' by our 3rd party supplier. It then takes them 3hr to get back to me and tell us that the outage was actually planned maintenance, and this had been previously arranged with their contact within the company. Why the hell it took them 3 hours to confirm this is beyond me, but neither the Service Desk, Incident Management or my team knew about this and I have a horrible feeling one of our guys (the contact) seriously dropped the ball. I then went back to sleep and was called 2hrs later AGAIN. Once all sorted out, went back to sleep and here we are - coming up to 11PM, feeling like i've yet to start my weekend and being wide awake enough to predict my sleeping pattern, or what's left of it, will be ruined tomorrow too. Who needs to have a proper weekend anyway?

Best thing that happened today: PS5 I ordered came yesterday and all day my partner has been happily gaming away, occasionally making happy noises. My work here is done.

Posted : March 12, 2022 10:46 pm
Posts: 475
Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
325 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

Time: 05:02

Mood: pretty good

Sleepiness: I don't know, I'll find out

My day was: Quiet, did some website work, did some manuscript work, did some RP work. All three are progressing nicely. Website's looking awesome now, also on mobile. I went through half the notes in my manuscript in one sitting and organised them accordingly. Here's hoping the second half will go equally smoothly! RP system will take a lot of work, but with the good feedback it's going to come along.

Best thing that happened today: That I SAT down and opened my manuscript.

Posted : March 13, 2022 4:09 am
Kijin reacted
Posts: 475
Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
325 Soul Tokens
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Time: 4:53

Mood: pretty good

Sleepiness: so-so

My day was: Quiet for the most part. Totally forgot my uncle had his birthday today, so there went all my plans for the evening. 

Best thing that happened today: I finished going through all my notes for my manuscript! That went pretty quick and best part is, it's not even that much after all.

Posted : March 14, 2022 3:55 am
Posts: 475
Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
325 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

Time: 2:51

Mood: pretty good

Sleepiness: dead beat

My day was: Busy and tiresome. Didn't sleep particularly well so I started the day tired already.

Best thing that happened today: bought a humble bundle with like a million things in it

Posted : March 22, 2022 1:53 am
Posts: 391
[Primary][1st Division] Soutaichou - Man-Skinned Animal ---------> [Secondary][1. Jagdarmee] Soldat IX Game Master VIP Member
4737 Soul Tokens

Time: 15:45

Mood: Contented

Sleepiness: Drowsy

My day was: Slow, resolved a P2 issue earlier in the day and am currently working on an issue whereby certain payments are failing with X error. Arranged to pick up two late night bits of work next week on the Monday and the Thursday. Paycheck has been ravaged by the taxman, so getting much less than I should for all the ridiculous work I did last month - yay!

Best thing that happened today: So far, I would say I had a great nap during lunch and my work has been completed before I predicted which is great. After work, I'm going to play more Elden Ring which will render previous good things void 🙂

Posted : March 23, 2022 3:48 pm
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