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[Sticky] [HOW TO] Apply for a Character

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Sternritter C "The Chaos" Administrator
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Apply for a Character

Welcome to the Bleach Anime Roleplay (BAR for short)! To start your Roleplaying experience, you have to create your very own original Bleach character. In our alternative Bleach universe, almost everything is the same as the Bleach from the Manga. Except, it is entirely populated by "our" own, original characters. This guide will tell you how to create your Character and apply for one of the Units. Once your Character has been accepted by your Unit Leader (Taichou, Espada, Sternritter), you are allowed to post in their Unit Headquarters and participate in Roleplays everywhere (but be sure you're not trespassing).


1 Faction & Unit

There are 3 Factions in the BAR, each representing a "race" from the Bleach universe. These are:

  • Gotei 13: Shinigami & Vizards
  • Las Noches: Arrancar
  • Wandenreich: Quincy


Although there are many racial and cultural nuances between the three, including where their strengths and weaknesses lie, all three are equally viable as fighters.


1.1 Finding a Unit

Each Faction consists of a number of Units. Your Character has to be affiliated with one of these Units. At the same time,  there is a limit to the number of Characters a single Unit can have. So from an early stage, like right now, you'll want to head over to the Unit Recruitment section and find a Unit you'd like to apply to. A Unit cannot refuse your application once it's accepted by a Game Master, however, they can set their own expectations from you and put limits on how many new recruits they'll accept. Check their Recruitment page for any details you have to add as the Game Masters will check them too! 

Important: your Character application MUST include the Unit you're applying for!


2 Naming & Dress Conventions

Each faction has a particular naming and dress convention. If you read or watch Bleach, this should be obvious enough. You're allowed personalization and adding unique features personal to your character. 

  • Gotei 13: Japanese or Chinese names. Black/white colour scheme, hakama, Japanese with Chinese influences. Personal additions in Japanese, Chinese or Korean style.
  • Las Noches: Spanish names with Andalusian influences. Spanish, Latino (in particular white dress), creole and Islamic stylistic additions (especially where it comes to architecture as well).
  • Quincy: European and Northern-American names. 19th-century militarism style dress (impeccable uniforms and boots) mixed with 1930s and 1940s styled accessories. 


3 Character Application Template

Copy this template into a new post in the Character Application section. This includes the Topic Title.


Topic Title: [FACTION] [UNIT] Character Name


Character Credentials

  • Name: your Character's name
  • Race: Shingami/Vizard/Arrancar/Quincy
  • Affiliation: Unit you're applying for



What do they look like? General practice is to start with one or two general statements, then start at the top and work your way down. Include their favourite or signature clothing or accessories, as far as dress convention allows you to deviate from your faction's uniform. Avoid analogies to other characters (e.g. "like Kenpachi's pointy hair").

Min. 50 words



Describe your Character's psychology, including intelligence and what their personality is like when interacting with other Characters. What motivates them? What interests them? How does their personality reflect in combat?

Some questions you want to consider, bear in mind that a real person can be on an extreme "either end" of the perspective but it is impossible for them to be on either side of the scale; e.g. you can't be agreeable and disagreeable at the same time, though you can be disagreeable in general but agreeable to your friends (which essentially means you're actually quite disagreeable but not totally). Do not copy this list like a questionnaire, create a profile in your own words.

  • How empathetic are they? Do they feel for others? How far does that go?
  • How agreeable or disagreeable are they? Is it hard or easy to get along with them?
  • Are they introverted or extroverted? To what extent?
  • How conscientious are they? Do they always arrive 5 minutes before time or do they slack off a lot?
  • How intelligent are they? So hyperintelligent that they're high-functioning sociopaths? How does this reflect on their other traits?
  • Good traits? Bad traits? Good traits that might be bad traits in some circumstances?

Min. 50 words



A short (or long) introduction to the Character's backstory and/or history. Where did they start (or even where were they born?) How did they get to where they are right now?

Min. 100 words


Sample Story

Optionally, write a sample story about your Original Character. This can be however long or short you'd like it to be as long as it doesn't involve any of Tite Kubo's Bleach characters or any other original Character in the BAR that isn't yours. You're given complete freedom with your Powers & Abilities here but make sure your story logically follows. This is a SAMPLE story and it won't give you any claims on any of the powers and abilities you showcase here later on. If you want it to be the first canon chapter of your Character's personal growth, start off weak.


Additional Information

Add any additional information required by the Unit you're applying for here. If there is none, you can omit this entire segment.

Posted : January 8, 2022 4:45 pm
Konami, Chris, Leonhart Cartel Francis. and 1 people reacted
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