Thank you for showing your support!

With your donation, I can keep Bleach Anime Network running. Bleach Anime is truly our community and I don’t say this lightly. Many other content creators just see people as a source of revenue. Our Bleach Anime community is the product of much more than that! From the earliest days on the first forum and all the way through the trials and tribulations after Bleach got cancelled, this community has somehow remained in touch.

Many of us know one another personally, relationships have formed and yes, we’ve mourned together over the loss of community members. Most of us started here in our teens or early twenties, a lot of us are now settled, perhaps with children of our own. BA has become part of our lives, and I like to believe it is for the better. Let’s see to it that it stays that way.

Your donation will allow that fire to keep burning, never extinguishing and fanned to a roaring blaze.

On behalf of the whole community,

Thank you,

Stefan (Justsomeanimelover)

New Report
