
Liked Forum Posts

RE: The thread Suggestions and feedback 4th only

Posted by: @kaienshiba @shinoda I never used the RYC before. So not sure how it works. But I do like the idea you have with healing. Specializing in certain areas. How would it work? I know at the ...

In forum Infirmary

3 years ago
Officer's Offices

The Offices Welcome to the offices! Some people here are working hard, others are hardly working. This three-storey building has an office for each seated member of the 4th Division. Each member has...

In forum Infirmary

3 years ago
[Shinigami] [Yonbantai] Kara Tenshi

Name: Kara Tenshi Race: Shingami Affiliation: 4th Division Appearance Standing at just over 5 feet, Kara possesses a strong, athletic build. She has short dark hair, wide amber eyes, a pinched nose,...

In forum Registry

3 years ago
1 second ago
RE: The thread of meeting (open to all)

I don't know if I would characterize BARPG as the super serious RP section. It was more self contained and structured, with occasional collaborations. Was just that you had zero off-topic or silly RP ...

In forum Offtopic

3 years ago
1 second ago
RE: Greetings

Congratulations with your daughter. Feel free to lurk all you want. If you want to RP, there's 2 Bantai already open and I can recommend the 4th.

In forum Introduce Yourself!

3 years ago
RE: I am back!!!

Welcome back Kaien!

In forum Introduce Yourself!

3 years ago
RE: I am back!!!

It's good to see you again Kaien, always great to see a familiar face! We're hoping to build a new but nostalgic community here, I kinda figured you would go for the 4th division 🙂

In forum Introduce Yourself!

3 years ago
RE: [SHINIGAMI] [4th DIVISION] Haruki Akiyama

Good morning, thank you for your application! It is currently under review and we will return to you shortly, thank you for your patience. I have taken the liberty of correcting your thread title (typ...

In forum Character Applications

3 years ago

New Report
