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Eckhard Staudinger Thorn

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Posts: 14
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35 Soul Tokens
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Name:-Eckhard Staudinger Thorn


Race- Quincy


Age- 25


Looks- 25


Birthday- May 3


Gender- Male


Height- 6ft


Weigh- 160 pound


Reiatsu color- Blue


Appearance- Eckhard is a pale skin Quincy, 6ft tall with a bang long hair style covering his upper face. His eyes are hazel blue in color with pale pink lips perfectly stationed below his pointed nose. He normally wears a long white coat, plain white pants and a blue belt to go with. The edges of his coat is also tailored in blue and golden fabrics, which acts as a perfect bonding agent for both his belt and his trademark blue stud earring, stationed at the wing of his right ear.



Born into a family of nobles, Eckhard came to the world with a golden spoon, and parents who loved and cared for him. His parents were  Quincys of reputable lineages and their union was one well spoken and sort out for, quickly becoming the target of envy. They became the creme de la creme of their social environment however, for 10 years they couldn't produce an issue till he(Eckhard) was born.

He was quickly deemed a blessing from the gods or a rare germ who's feet had come to cleanse the earth. His very existence brought joy back to the home of the Thorn family, but it wasn't untill he was 20 did they find the opposite to be the case.

The boy was born as cold as ice and might have as well had blue blood to match his blue eyes. His friend's whom considered him a rare specie as the only true blood among them, still loathed him and only followed him out of fear of his parents influence. His father who was a revered general in the army, drilled him in the ways of the Quincy from a very young age and always occasionally read him the tales of the Supreme one as bed time stories. He'd known so much about the race before he could completely spell his name, but for some reason he never saw his father flaunt his pride in public gatherings.

As a child Eckhard got what ever he demanded for and was midly annoying considering he cared little about the troubles people around him suffered for his demands. He however was a prodigy who's skill began to blosom even as a child. He knew little about the world beyond his circle of family and friends and most of the time spent his days knotting arrows and stringing bows.

As a tenanger he quickly became more arrogant but mostly to strangers he knew nothing about. He'd rather skin a pig with his hands than accept a friend request from anyone he considered lower than him, or unworthy. He quickly became a lonely tenanger but none of this mattered when he could get his hands on anything he wanted, especially his favourite play toy (a bow).

With time, his knowledge of the world slightly improved though he was more obsessed with becoming a general just like his father. He always heard stories about how his father won many battles, conquered many foes and claimed many lives. He also had news about his prowess as a Quincy and this made him eager to leave home to join the battle field. This though, didnt settle well with his father who for some reasons only wanted him to focus on protecting the family. 

As time passed Eckhard came to notice how disturbed his father was whenever he mentioned the Quincy's pride and the power they possessed. "We are the star of the four realms, revered among all races and under the protection of the shinigami royal force". However, none of this were true not in the slightest as Eckhard came to understand they were merely in hinding, afraid of what the world would do to them if they exposed their true nature.

His father was a coward and so was his mother and for this young Eckhard left home to fend for himself. 

At the age of 20 Eckhard skill stood out enough to be recognized by the higher arms of the quincy race, who called him in. However, after he was summoned to the wandenreich castle to become part of its force, he got news of a slaughter event brought upon his family by the shingami race.. 

Returning home he heard his family harbored rebellious plans and materials and thus were a threat to the four realms. However he knew all this were lies and immediately went on a rampage where he killed all those(shinigamis) involved in his family massacre. His uncle, aunty and their four children who sold his family out were all killed in the night of the red moon. A day which marked his second birth. His hunger for blood couldn't end there and till date he still holds a deep rooted grudge against the Shinigami race and anyone in support of them.





Eckhard Thorn carries himself like royalty, he rarely engages in long talks and usually keeps to himself. He's also really smart and unlike many let's on just how smart he is when challenged by a foe. Blending into a crowd is usually not one of his strong point as an anti social person. However, it is ok to note that were it to be a high stake mission, playing the master of ceremonies wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him.

He is hardworking and to a point a perfectionist as he sees his work as art. He cares little of people's opinion of him and mostly focuses on the work at hand. 

Cowardice, is one character trait he loathes and would rather not associate himself with a coward or condone it when people call him one. 

He rarely trust people but always obeys the chain of command to a fault. To him loyalty is only a concept of convenience and not of choice. The strong earn the right to it while the weak plays on it in other to hide their insecurities. So therefore, even while he won't stab a teammate on the back he is more than capable of leaving them behind for dead or killing them himself if their sacrifice could lead to victory. This he does without predjudice and remorse and would never apologise unless he was dead wrong. 




Posted : February 15, 2022 7:38 am
Posts: 14
Bleach Enthusiast
35 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

Epithet C-The Curse

After awakening his power, Eckhard found himself capable of manipulating and controlling misfortune and bad luck, in unique strategic ways during combat.




Ability 1: Cursed Name

Eckhards last name "THORN" has a passive curse which hunts each individual letter within it. 


Naturally, saying the word "Thorn", grows thorn like extensions from the material the opponent has on them, making them feel uncomfortable in their own skin for a period of 2 posts. However the curse of the name thorn is mostly felt in their individual alphabets which Eckhards can actively induce during combat.


  • T - Tear: This is a curse that actively tear things open. Normally dull objects, surface area and basic elements becomes edgy and sharp against the skin of the victim.


  • H - Hinder: This curses a sharp pain in their body, hindering their movement. With each movement they make, they feel their body being wrapped around thorns or strings. 


  • O - Obstruct: this is a curse that momentarily blocks off an opponent’s path, robbing them of sight and distance, as if wrapped in a cocoon of thorns or blocked by a wall or a thick forest of it. The target suddenly find it hard to get to their desired location because of a barrier and would have to find other ways arround it. 


  • R – Recoil: This is a curse that momentarily forces a target backwards as if smashed by a dense wall of wind pressure equivalent in strength to the driving force behind their physical attack on impact. Once invoked, an invisible line is drawn between the moment of initiating an attack and impact, calculating the amount of force exerted and imbued into said attack at break neck speed. This is then dished out in equal proportion as dense wind pressure/ barrier  when attack becomes imminent. Targets find it hard to move forward at this point and are either forced to withdraw or are smashed back if they cannot withstand the force of their own attack strength. 


  • N – Nawa: This curse arouses states of shock and confusion. Targets find their accuracy on projectile attacks dulled on intervals, leading to either slightly missing their marks or blowing their attacks way off proportion.


Active applications & Limitations


  1. When letters of these alphabets are applied in the opponent’s speech, they unknowingly induce effect on themselves, increasing its influence with each consecutive repetition.


  • Activating a lettered curse sparks up blue reishi line similar to that of blut, along Eckhards skin.
  • Eckhard cannot actively use more than two effects at one time, and as such would wait five post before switches between curses can be made. 
  • Curses when induced upon oneself by opponent speeches still holds true effect, regardless of Eckhards current active effects. However, Eckhard cannot control, comand or stop said effect unless the lettered curse in question was part of his activated alphabet at the time. 
  • By cloaking ones speeches or self in visible reiatsu when saying words, target can mitigate or totally nullify the effect of the curse. 
  • However, Candidates three level lower than Eckhard in Reiatsu control cannot manage this.
  •  Eckhard range of influence extends a 200 meter radius.



  4. Curse N- Nawa


  • Effectiveness is determined by the amount of control one possesses over his/her reiatsu. 
  • Notable passive effect: blurred vision during aim and release, hastened release, unsteady hands 


  2. Curse H- Hinder


  • Notable passive effect: When invoked on oneself, regenerative reishi vines wrap around the targets limbs, rendering him immobile at one point. Targets who put up resistance find themselves moving at the cost of impaling themselves with ravaging wounds.
  • When severed vines attempt to quickly reconnect with the host until opponent is out of reach
  • Notable active application: By wrapping his fingers into a fist reishi vines protrude from the earth or close environment, wrapping themselves around the target. Vines restricts target to a point and tightens with every extra effort Eckhard puts into his squeeze.



  1. Curse T- Tear


  • The environment, weather, and even dull objects naturally become Razor sharp on the opponents skin.
  • Targets personal belongings and clothing are the only exceptions to this effect. 
  • Passive Effect: volatile wind easily shreds through targets clothing and can have his/her skin slightly severed at points of contact. Bigger and more solid materials leave a little more than a scar.  
  • Active Application: Through contact, sharp constructs doubles their edginess/sharpness and dull objects becomes as sharp as a blade.[/spoiler]





Ability 2: Death Addiction

Appearance: When activated, crystal white snake scaled arm guard, manifest at full length along his hands, in perfect fitting, as if part of his flesh and bone. Blue-black reiatsu waves akin to that of lightning sparks travel down its scales portraying the image of an active lightning volcano. 


Description: When in contact with a target, Eckhard gifts his target the curse of addiction, turning ones basic strength into a weakness. Opponents who are exposed to this curse find themselves or individual skills improved as the battle carries on, allowing them perform feet’s they were incapable of. However this effect suddenly plunges into the negative during every post till the very cause of their joy becomes a danger to their health and well being.  Opponents that are naturally durable or those with extreme strength find their weight too much to handle to the point where lifting their body or moving around without plunging into a self-dug crater becomes a problem. Similarly other aspects of a person’s gift can be heightened to a point where overloading the body system becomes possible.


Workings & Limitation:


  • When dealing with sentient beings Eckhard can only curse abilities he’s consciously aware of and can determine its basic working principle before or during the battle. 


  • Abilities he’s not seen or witnessed cannot be cursed and will not be affected till contact has been made after use.


  • Eckhard need only touch the contact personally or through the aid of his construct to administer effect.  


  • Effects do not take hold of his targets immediately as it can only gradually improve through time.
  • However, Targets lower in reiatsu, experience its positive effect on contact, while negative effects takes hold on their 2nd post.  


  • Targets with equal reiatsu than Eckhard experience positive effects at their second post while negative effects set to take hold at the third. 


  • Targets with higher reiatsu do not experience any effect till a period of 3 post is exhausted in which the positive effects sets in and lasts for the next 2 post before any negative effect can take hold.


  • To stop the effect from taking hold the target need only restrict the use of said abilities for 3 post after they’ve been cursed or 4 post immediately they notice its positive syndrome. 


  • Once at the negative post margin, member can no longer shutdown the effect and would have to suffer its curse for a period of 5 posts. 


  • If opponents are tagged multiple times after being cursed, Eckhard can either reduce the time needed to activate its negative effect or increase the time the curse will have a hold on its target.





Positive effects: 

  • This doesn’t improve the targets stats beyond its natural level; however individuals tend to showcase better skill or control output without feeling the natural draw backs of said abilities.
  • Their skills and damage output improves by ¼ of its original capabilities, making them feel like one on drugs. 



Negative effects:

  • Individuals start by losing basic control over their abilities, making minor mistakes or miscalculation.
  • Power output becomes unstable putting them in the line of danger.
  • Ability quickly overloads body system, hampering basic function to the point it becomes impossible to do anything else.[/spoiler]  


  • This curse can also be applied to constructs, gadgets and/or solid matter, allowing Eckhard the opportunity to increase their weight and density 4 times its original weight with every successful clash or contact.[/spoiler]





Ability 3: Blood Curse

Embodying a curse of his own, Eckhards blood becomes toxic, extremely poisonous and hazardous even to the human soul. The very exposure of it into the air stiffens the free flow of air in the environment, inhibiting lungs and brain function with respiration a tad difficult to sustain in a 5meters radius around him. However, the true effect of this curse is mostly felt when in contact with an object or a surface area or when exposed to an opponent’s bloodstream.  A phenomenal known as blood curse  occurs giving rise to unholy creatures which scatters into the world wreaking havoc on his name. Sentient being however are limited to this effect but find it difficult to heal any injuries exposed to this blood as this not only halts regeneration but also subdued hemoglobin and cell degradations  becomes an issue. This could lead to massive organ collapse, extreme blood loss or severe tissue damage & mutation if allowed to spread unchecked.



Workings & Limitation

Eckhards can transfuse blood into his energy based construct through his pores turning it blood red which enhances his constructs edginess with the effect of his blood curse infused into them. 


  1. Blood curse can either mutate or rot an object depending on how much it was exposed to.
  • A diluted quantity [reiatsu free] can only do as much as rot an object which often occurs at a snails pace.
  • A concentrated quantity [reiatsu infused] can do as much as mutate an object.
  • Nonorganic or refined surfaces do not feel the mutate effect of this curse so does other basic element not based on organic matter.



  1. ☝️
  2. On Npc or lower life forms. Mutation turns them into savage beast whom beckons to Eckhards command and call. Their natural fangs and teeth grow excessively sharp with thorns merged into their flesh making them more durable/strong while their bloods serves as carriers of Eckhards curse.  
  • On plants and insects, the blood curse induces rapid  growth genes. Making them grow out of proportion with thorn like  extensions growing out of their stalks or exoskeleton.
  • They become carries of the curse as well and can pass it on to whatever they sever, prick or bite.
  • Height increase ranges from 2ft - 5ft. Making it possible for an ant to easily attain the size of a beast of burden.
  • They do not poses any stats boost despite the mutation but tend to become heavier, stronger and more durable in proportion to their newly gain size and  height.



  1. ☝️☝️
  2. ☝️
  3. On sentients, contact with blood has no major effect unless exposed to open wounds, ingested or injected into the blood stream.
  • However, when stationed in areas where the blood has been released into the air, it becomes very dificult to breath. Turning a fairly airy area to an air tight zone in a period of 5 post. (This is mostly felt at a 5meter radius of the carrier)
  • Injuries caused by his blood infused constructs tend to restrict healing and blood clotting and can only allow regeneration of infected areas if cut off before critical period [3 post for people]
  • Mutation occurs after an additional 5 post once critical point has been reached.
  • Mutation induces rot on infected areas turning them pale green with vines growing out of it. This spreads along the body system collapsing organs and cells if area is not severed.[/list][/list]






  • Mutations on opponent's higher or equal in reiatsu can only add an inch after every 2post...


  • Mutation on opponents one or two reiatsu level lower than him, covers 2inch in every single post. 


  • While those extremely lower spreads rapidly tripling the pace of the above category. 


  • Eckhard loses a single endurance level every 10 post of actively applying this curse.


  • His curse "death addiction" nullifies on constructs which his blood curse has been enhanced with.[/spoiler]





This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Silverlight
Posted : February 15, 2022 7:44 am

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