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[Training Spar] Breaking Bad

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Sternrritter B The Ultimate One
172 Soul Tokens
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Posted : February 16, 2022 4:06 pm
Posts: 243
Sternrritter B The Ultimate One
172 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

It all started with a lightning storm, flames raining down from the sky, tornadoes swiping through the filed as if the world was truly coming to an end.


Then there was a Quincy. Tall, spotting a blond hair, with a black suit, white shirt visible from the neck as the suit perfectly embraced and fitted his body well, a well polished shoes, a blazers worn over the suit and a Mask which covered his face fully.


His both hands were covered with black Quincy gloves, and a Quincy cross on his neck. The First Jagdarmee had recently accepted a new member, a promising one at that and it was a natural that the Executive Hunting Captain test out the capabilities of his new comrade.


The location was perfect enough to see and know how well the man could maneuver his way around certain danger. An enormous danger at that; Julian Brant himself.


"He is late." The Jagdanführer thought as he stood in anticipation of his Member.

Posted : February 16, 2022 6:49 pm
Posts: 14
Bleach Enthusiast
35 Soul Tokens

A blinding white beam shot form the sky straight into the east end of a colossal structure, one resembling a beasts vertebral column. The blinding beam, barely 5 meters at the start rapidly grew an extra 10meters in diameter with a quaking sound boom loud enough to send ripple down the lava stream beneath the bone structures.


The sun gate always one to behold, manifested today not by chance and harboured within it both man and monster in the form of a Quincy. A pale man, 6ft tall stepped out from its dazzling light in his traditional white and blue long coat paired with his matching pants and an Italian white shoe.


The man by name Eckhard, had just recently made it to the  first Jagdarmee, a military force said to be at the fore front of Emperors army who's task was simply hunting down the enemy forces.


He was summoned here today by his units Fuhrer and was told to join a training section,  which to being with  he found unnecessary. However, he needed to familiarize himself with his commanding officer and hopefully make an impression.


His cold blue eyes steered blankly into the chaos chosen as a training field and wondered what his superior true intentions were. 


The idea of solid earth was none existing here and one had to rely on ancient bones or frozen magma rocks to maintain their footing. The very few bodies of rocks floating mid air had bolts of lightning travelling through them and even though the skies were blue it was still at blaze with water like barrier covering the entire arena. Finally, beneath him was a pool of lava, waiting to melt him down to bones and even if he avoided them the heat he thought was not good for his skin. 



"Tsk" he sighed, things couldn't get any worse he imagined. 



"Anybody home?" he called out, unaware where his superior  was amongst all this chaos, that was if anybody was here yet. It wouldn't be a surprise to him if he came first but for the sake of this heat he hopped he wast. Waiting was a strong virtue of his. 

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Silverlight
Posted : February 18, 2022 1:48 pm
Posts: 243
Sternrritter B The Ultimate One
172 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

He felt it, the first Reiatsu signature he had felt since his arrival, the terrain was devoid of life and so, it could only mean that the visitor was an external force, meaning it was the man to which he was meant to meet.


Looking at the man’s appearance from the distance he was, it would appear the man boasted an air of confidence which says he had pride in his abilities. Julian was not one to dispute ones confidence, but was one who broke things. If the man had so much believe and confidence in his strength, then breaking it would be much more enticing to cause despair in the man’s eyes.


In a single step, the Fuhrer’s God-step brought him before the man, his use of the holy step showed him as an expert in the field. The Jagdarmee head whipped his right hand with about 40% of his strength, with his aim locked at the Sternritter’s face. He would hope to leave the print of his fist on the man’s face should his punch connect.


However, that would not be all he would do, with the force of his punch powerful enough to blow the man away if resistance is not made, Julian Brant would appear by the man’s side, with him whipping his right leg in such a way that he throws his body up into the air, making a shearing movement with his legs to get one leg in front of the other without holding on to the ground as he would appear to be making the kick in a sideways manner. With one of Julian’s leg high over the head of the Sternritter to deliver a devastating kick to the man to send him flying away with tremendous force if his feet connected.


Reiatsu=Captain level

God-step= Expert

Strength= Immense

Reaction speed=Lightning

Archery= Master Archer

Blut Vene= Immense

Endurance= Great

Hand to Hand= Master

Zanjutsu= Inept

Epithet= Unlocked

Vollistandig= Not achieved


Posted : February 18, 2022 5:42 pm
Posts: 14
Bleach Enthusiast
35 Soul Tokens

His call out got no response in return rather it seemed to have attracted quite the welcome as a man came racing towards him in God speed. 



At first he could have sworn it was just a flash of light, but then what sort of flash had a fist ready to bash his face in. 



Eckhard reacting almost instinctively, pulled both hands in a cross before his face and just as quickly the punch blew him off his feet and backwards as if he just stepped on a high speed treadmill moving backwards. The sole of his shoes could barely touch ground, instead it teased the surface of the bone structure he stood on.


By his rare he could spot movement, a blond on black suit. It seemed the attack didn't stop there however, the white hair quincy could now think and process his thoughts. The man came for his side this time with a sweeping kick aimed for his head.


The pain he felt on his hand was bad enough he couldnt get himself to block again with it. However what he did was play with the momentum pushing him back to simply bow down, enough that the mans leg flew over his back without touching as much as his hair while in his left hands his bow manifested to reveal a star shaped bow. 


His back rose to full length barely an inch clear of the mans dangling foot. Exchanging the uncontrolled push backward for reishi platform under his foot he spun around on his right foot till he was standing behind the mans back with an arrow locked to the scalp of the man head.


"And you are?" 


He could barely catch his breath at this point, but that didnt stop his piercing gaze on the mans scalp and body movement. Should he try any funny business his brains where as good as decor for the already apocalyptic environment. 


Stats for the purpose of this spar
Reiatsu=Senior Officer Level


God-step= Expert


Strength= Great


Reaction speed=Lightning


Archery= Master Archer


Blut Vene= Immense


Endurance= Great


Hand to Hand= Master


Zanjutsu= Practitioner 


Epithet= Locked 


Vollistandig= Locked

This post was modified 3 years ago by Silverlight
Posted : February 21, 2022 8:34 am
Posts: 243
Sternrritter B The Ultimate One
172 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

His legs flickered above the Man’s head, casually missing it’s target as Julian waved his right hand in the process of his turn, a Giant Arrow, the greatest of all Quincy’s arrow would form above the new Sternritter’s head, as Julian rode on the momentum of his spin to make a complete 180° turn to face the Sternritter who had previously moved to his back.




That was all the man would hear as Julian let his arrow lose at point blank range from it’s bow. Should contact be made, it would leave the Sternritter totally devastated.


If it were any other person, and because it was Julian who was at a close proximity when the arrow was lunched, he suffered no injury. This was because, Julian had momentarily activated his Epithet in the midst of the chaos, to break down the rocks, lavas and fire which had erupted from the wide area explosion.


With his Epithet now deactivated, the Jagdanführer watched and waited for the man’s next move. Surely that wasn’t all the man boasted off?

Posted : February 21, 2022 2:04 pm
Posts: 14
Bleach Enthusiast
35 Soul Tokens

Maybe it was just curiosity or an air of familiarity that stiffened his muscle long enough for the man to complete a 180° spin on him. Leaving him in a condition were he gazed at the mans face instead of his forehead. 



Shooting off his face should have been a good way to kick off a greating but seeing who it was threw a big wrench into his plans to the point he found himself muttering,  "Fuhrer?" 



"Julian" replied excitedly and what followed next was one of the Quincy's legendary technique, the Sankt bogen dropped with the intention to impale him like a meteor.



A large explosion took place shortly afterwards and the vertebral column they once stood on broke. Parts of it crashed, parts disintegrated but majority of it readjusted to the new calamity like a raft. Lava spewed up into the sky with rocks and and platform of burning debris shooting off to different direction.



Admist all this chaos one thing that was not splattered all over the environment was Eckhard the white hair quincy who dangled casually at the edge of a suspending rock high in the sky. Sweat ran down his cheekbone and blood down his right hand, other than that he seemed comfortable just hanging and watching the explosion take place.



While the moments inbetween the manifestation of the Sankt Bogen and the release must have played out fast to many, Eckhard had always had a good feel of the concept of reishi and the manifestation of such a huge body of it never counted as surprise to him. The fact his superior was the one attacking came more as a shock and, even then the white hair quincy never lost his battle withs.



Once the arrow was released on him, he too released his own already locked arrow, but not at the blond hair before him,  instead his aim elevated slightly to the suspending rock closest to them.



A visible 5 meter reishi string ran up his right hand to the base of the arrow, strapping him tight to it. All he had to do after that was balance his body weight and masterfully apply his knowledge of heirenkyaku, the ability to glide on reishi to equate his body weight to the force of the pulling string. Like a jet he zoomed off with the arrow as the spearhead just at the nick of time. 



Smashing his body into the suspending rock was something he didnt plan for, and even at the distance he managed to cover,  residue of the explosion still poured on him turning his once white robe brownish with tiny holes filled in it. Blood dripped down his right hand from the explosion his arrow caused on the cliff and even that two was unplanned he hissed. 


His superior on the other hand seemed to bath in chaos and appeared unharmed despite being only few meters away from the eye of the explosion. That was something he definitely had to learn with time he told himself. 



Leaving his hold from the cliff. Eckhard fell from the sky avoiding streaks of lighting  as he dropped. With the wind fighting back against him. His bow adjusted to take the form of a standard Olympic grade bow, half his size while an arrow the shape of a tall anchor manifested on his bleeding right hand.



Standing or hanging  one place was a trap with his opponent range and arsenal, so in that case he thought to himself as he beat his foot against the wind to rocket himself like a missile. He was going to get a little crazy with this. His body turned black to signal the complete activation of his blut vene and using his arrows he shot at the base of Julian's footing to put him off balance



First was to get Julian moving arround like he was and second he smiled as he dived straight for the mans midsection with the intention of hitting him with enough force he would bounce of the platform into the lava river.

This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Silverlight
Posted : February 22, 2022 6:18 am
Posts: 243
Sternrritter B The Ultimate One
172 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

Julian watched the man with keen eyes, his eyes that could see everything his opponent was doing and how he struggled to wiggle himself out of harm’s way.


Well, in a way the Sternritter succeeded in his gambit, albeit not unscathed, his once white garments became a thing of the past and no longer resembled it’s previous glamour it once had. The Sternritter was injured on his right hand and yet, he would still persist in his action.


Julian wondered if it was really necessary to crash into the floating rocks, but he put aside that unnecessary thought and would set his mind solely on breaking the Man’s spirit.


It happened, the man attacked, an Letting loose an arrow, to which Julian intercepted with his own arrow before it would get close, Julian would fire off his own arrow from his already activated bow, with his Blut Artery on, he would punch the air.


Julian, Whipping his Left hand as it blurred to make a punch such that the very air itself suffered the attack as it would compress and crumble upon itself while becoming far denser.


The helpless air molecules would be left with no options than to move in the opposite direction in a desperate attempt to free themselves. They would move with the same strength and force as their sender_Julian, to the Sternritter in his line of sight with incredible crushing force capable of turning an armored vehicle into a tin can.


The wind around the punch was powerful enough to blast away any form of last minute defenses anyone but the absolute strongest of warriors could muster, easily burrowing the earth around the Sternritter into a 15m wide and 20m deep crater, leaving a seismic shift in the earth's topographic arrangement. and crumble upon itself while becoming far denser.



Posted : February 22, 2022 6:36 pm
Posts: 14
Bleach Enthusiast
35 Soul Tokens

The Furher, Julian, made sure his arrow yielded no result and he did so effortlessly which didn't come as a surprise to Eckhard. He had already witnessed him fire the best form of arrow their kind could muster so killing his arrow off mid drift came as no surprise to him. He tilted his head to the left to allow Julians arrow faze through him, but what he didn't account for was the sudden burst of wind which followed swiftly after it.


A strong gust of wind puled him backwards like a floating paper kite, till he slammed his back into the floating pile of rock he just shot out from. However, while the wind tore through the rock like it was a mere pile of ash, it did nothing to harm or hurt him. His body also shielded part of the rocks from crumbling, as a testimony of his blut vene. He felt himself pinned at the spot stuck between a sand house and a gale of fresh air, yet he couldn't help but smirk out of excitement.


"Interesting" he thought, "now this is an opponent worth my time."


Folding his hand into a fist he created a Reishi concentrated ball around him, such that the Reishi ball became visible to the eye in the form of a giant blue spinning ball, rotating on its axis. The rock behind him oblitrated at its force and the wind pressure bounced off the ball and parted ways like the red sea.   


The energy, he generated shrank and compressed back into his feast till it formed a giant arrow, and when he was done. he knotted the arrow and shot it up into the sky. "Rain down" he muttered, and immediately the sky became dark.


What went up as a single arrow came down in hundreds that even the sky seemed to lose its light at its descent. Eckhard pointed at his Furher with a discerning gaze and immediately the arrows in the sky adjusted their direction towards the man like homing missiles with their target set.


An attack of 200 arrows, capable of creating 30 meter craters with an explosive capacity of a 30's spell kido for each came raining down like the skies had just gone mad.        

This post was modified 2 years ago by Silverlight
Posted : April 16, 2022 9:24 am
Posts: 243
Sternrritter B The Ultimate One
172 Soul Tokens
Topic starter

The man smiled as his air punch had pushed his subordinate backwards, slamming him on piles of rocks, but still the man remained unaffected. It was worth noting that the man's Blut was similar to the Fuhrer's, which was something he prided himself in.


Eckhard was never done with him and so, he unleashed his arrows, they numbered in hundreds as they threatened to rid the sky of it's light, as they fell down like heavy hail storm, ready to pierce and destroy all that they encountered. 


Julian would crouch a little bit, so that his right leg faces forward while his left extended backwards facing sideways. He would slam his right leg to the ground bringing the weight of his body on his waist, as he would stretch his right hand which was coated in Reiatsu, to block, spin, evade each falling arrows. His Blut Vene activated as the ones he missed hit his skin, piercing through his thick suit but falling to do any body harm despite the annoying explosion, which further burnt his suit, he would masterfully punch through the air again to push the compressed air back at the arrows coming in. The Compressed arrows would hit and explode upon contact on the compressed air, which would cause a chain of explosions.


"Now you've gone and done it."

Posted : April 18, 2022 12:25 pm

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